Hi all,
As the title of my posts implies i have had a chronic bad sore throat for over a month and all of my lymph glands are engorged and enlarged around my neck and I feel like i could sleep for days. It honestly feels like i am wearing a 10lbs weight around my neck and makes it almost impossible to move my neck, swallow food and sip water. I have been to my primary care 3 times and each time she does a strep test and every time the strep test is negative. She has also put me on 2 rounds of antibiotics along with omeprazole and ranitidine to reduce stomach acid since i have gerd and acid reflux. Finally got into an ENT dr today and he threw around the word eppstein barr and mono. I also did blood work today but won't get the results until tomorrow or the next day. Meanwhile i am in so much pain and my throat is so sore i can barely swallow and have tried just about
everything to reduce the swelling and pain from gargling salt water to drinking oregano broth and eating as much as i can stand of raw garlic and locally sourced honey. I have had the eppstein barr virus in the past and when it became reactive in my system i was 16 years old and it took me down for over a year but never had the chronic bad sore throat. Just wanted to know if anyone else has had similar symptoms and what they did or more tests? I have missed alot of work and if i miss anymore days i will lose my job of 13 years and my benefits. Need help/advice