You might find this to be very intresting. Ihave had nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, diarreha, constipation, severe joint pain, especially in the neck and shoulder, developed hpoglycemia, you name it...
Last July I was at a cabin, and when we were leaving, I developed stomach cramps. The next couple of days, I ended up with severe diarreha. Then a couple of weeks later I ended up with an enlarged liver, which ached quite abit. I went in for tests, and determined that I had many liver enzymes, and was then indicated that I was fighting something. Tested for various things, but found nothing - and the reason for this was never really determined, although i did have some gall stones in my bladder. I never did feel that great, and then in Octobr I had my gall bladder removed. From there I developed a nervousness, lost 40 lbs, head fog, dizziness if I was on my feet for too long, etc. No one could find out what was going on. Then I developed hypoglycemia, where by my blood levels fall too low. Heck I can't even go for a walk, or cut the lawn, without the blood sugar levels falling too low. I have never ever had these problems before.
In the beginning, I mentioned that we rented a cabin. the doctor beleives that I contracted a paricite, from drinking contaminated lake water, etc. Kind of like a Beaver Fever. It all now starts to make sense. I just started to take treatments, so we will see what happens from here.
Apparently the paricite can effect the liver, and adenal glands, and all oragns, and interfere with their proper operation. And including blood sugar, if I am not metabolizing my food correctly - which can be the case if you have a paricite. Might want to get that checked as alot of your symtoms are similar...