Hello to all, I am new here and celebrating 10 years of CFS. My started with a drop in my body temperature, 96.2 at one point and lots and lots of joint muscle pain, swollen lypmph nodes, sore throats, fatigue, fuzziness of brain, my allergies got worse, and I experienced abcesses in my teeth. Several years of "there is nothing wrong with you" after just about
every medical test known to man. It was my allergist who sent me to a specialist in CFS that finally confirmed. I sometimes ask who nailed my shoes to the floor. At any rate, I think I have finally found a site where others can understand, as they have the same thing. I was forced to early retirement, that has helped some as my job was getting very stressful. But like others have mentioned, it is the isolation and lack of understanding that gets to you the most. I try not to think of what I have lost, I focus on what I can do, but some days, like today, that is not enough. I must be in a downswing mentally as I have been very down the past week, and it is wearing on me. Well I have rambled on enough, I am looking forward logging on in the future and finding my CFS buddies waiting for me with some good advice or just a shoulder to lean on.