My cousin Terri who has MS has started taking it for the CFS she has too. AND loooooves it! I use to not notice my CFS as much because the silly FMS was so huge. Now I have Lyrica which really helps the FMS, so now the CFS is sticking out like a red page in a book of yellow. I guess what I am saying is, that now seperated..... it reeeeally shows.
So as I ramble on, I am reminded of my point, has anyone tried this stuff? I understand it is akin to rittalin (sp?) so it may actually help 'fibro fog'... am seeing the dr. tomorrow morning, I called her to tell her what I wanted to discuss so she would have a chance to check it out before I get there, I hope she agrees it may help, and will let you know, if it helps.
Sure would appreciate any feedback!