sorry this doesnt directly fall under the topic of chronic fatigue syndrome, but i think it may be the closest than the other topics.
I was recently diagnosed with mono (EBV). i've been reading all about it and just have some questions that are unanswered.
before my questions, let me give some of my current status with it. I was home this past weekend (friday afternoon into sunday nite) and they werent very pleasant. I had white things on the inside of my throat so to say it was sore is an understatment, i had nite sweats and a fever. I basically rested the WHOOOOLE weekend. However, by the time i was leaving, i started feeling MUCH better. But monday morning, the white things have reduced greatly (now it is tuesday) and they are now gone. I am feeling so much better with the ocassional feeling that i may have a fever or maybe some fatigue here and there.
so it comes to my first question
1. is it possible to go through mono so quickly? or maybe that the test i had was wrong and that i really had strep throat?
Let me just list my other questions...
2. Me and my friend are thinking i may have given him mono since we have kissed, probably in my 'incubation period' but he has yet to be sick or anything. If he does end up having mono, can we kiss and there will be no problem of increased infection or anything since we have the same strand? and what are like the rules of sexual behavior while you have mono?
3. How long is mono contagious? If i'm seriously feeling much better, how long is it before the chances of me spreading it are slim to none?
I just find it sstrange how i tell people i have mono and they tell me how its such a horrible virus and gets people so sick, and *knock on wood* other than this past weekend, i havent experienced such illness.
I think thats it for now, thanks for the help!