Hi Chutzie,
Thanks for your speedy reply. I truly appreciate any feedback I can get as these past five years HAVE been a nightmare.
My husband hasn't taken oxycontin or fentanyl for three years, but has been taking six 15 mg. tabs of oxycodone daily for the first two weeks of each month. When he runs out of oxycodone, he then uses methadone the last two weeks of the month to keep from getting drug sick. He sees nothing wrong with doing this, and tells me that's what works for his pain. He also occasionally crushes the oxycodone (not oxycontin) and snorts it. He tells me he hardly ever does this and that when he does it's NO big deal. What do you think of the way he takes these pain meds?
My husband does have chronic pain from back problems and osteoarthritis. I have gone to his doctors in the past and he has been discharged from several practices, only to find another doctor. He always tells his new doctor of his history of drug abuse. I am prepared to go to his doctor again. My concern is what will he use for pain control when and if he comes off opiates? He has tried nerve blocks, high doses of ibuprophen, prednisone shots etc.
Thanks for your help Chutzie.