ok well i got off my pain meds with much pain now i really know how much trouble i am in pain wise. I just got off the sub 4 days ago and back on norco . I am feeling so many withdrawls from the suboxone. I see my new pm on tuesday. i dont really want to have to take pain meds but it is to much for me to handle. I am crying at the drop of a hat. I cant do anything, I really feel helpless. I have to face reality i need pain meds.!!!! at least until i figure out what i have to do surgery wise. ugh!!!! i feel like i am in an endless circle. The worst thing is i have a daughter with medical issues. (esophageal) and she gets her food stuck in her esoph. I have to jump her up and down to get it to move. (it works like a charm) . i have to put my pain aside and do what i have to do for my daughter, but boy do i feel it afterwards. any advice or light at the end of this tunnel