I tend to agree that the pharmacy cannot just hand out 10 extra pills for being a "great customer"........
This just happened to me about
2 mths ago my doc had D/C my Oxycontin and I got 90 morphine 100 mgs ...well called to get the Repeats I had coming up ( on other meds) and lo and behold there was a bottle of 60 .20 mg Oxy's in there..
I decided to post about
it and was given great advice ....I did tell pharmacy and took them back yes they took them .......yes in Ontario,Canada......
I did not know IF I was being tested ot not and I know I will not lose my doc nor my pain meds over something like that but this was from a town pharmacy.......
I earned a bit more respect by doing this IMHO and glad I posted and did ask,got my receipt plus a note which I then took to doctor about
mix up ..he was not happy with pharmy but happier with what I had done in the long run
I know it is different then Mail order but us CP'ers
seem to have to watch our backs for anything ya know.....
I would do as you feel is right ......just my opinion .......
Take care
Have a pain free day........LYN