I just want to tell you I have the same issues . There are many people exposed to opiates who become dependant for life thats why they have methadone maintenence . Just becuase your in pain and take meds as perscribed doesnt mean you wont end up like one of the cursed . I feel so bad for you but remember the old saying about
swimming half way across the lake then turning back . 1/7 chronic pain patients on who are dependant on opiates in severe pain over 10 years commit suicide becuase they get despondant, apathetic and give up .
The drug is very deceiving hang in there it gets better . If you can't make it find another Doc ( pain clinic to percribe ) shrink that does subutex or suboxone or methadone clinic . Paws or post acute withdrawls can occur for up to two years . Many people loose complete normal function and have a terrible time its sad they percribe these knowing they wont support you properly if you have trouble becuase its too expensive in this outpatient corrupt for profit US medical system ( I take it thats where you are ) .
The last time I did detox I couldnt even break a car right 6 months later my spacial orientation was so off . I had seizures on suboxone and my bp was going way up to 190/140 with my body limp and me screaming and irrational . Every situation is unique to the individual but your dealing with a monstor when you deal with opiates . Its like a Cat 5 huricane for some never underestimate it .
Never feel like your abnormal becuase nothing normal gets one involved or takes place getting off . There is no definitive experience for all people . Withdrawls can kill , make one want to die , last for 10 days to 2 years depending on the person in varying degrees and the only constant is they do get better ...sadly you may have to treat your original condition or still deal with it and how its progressed . However opiates can create pain perception , increase it ..most people benifit from at least tapering , most people find they hate to be slaves to them and its worse then other alternatives after they have experienced the downside . God Bless still dependant , still sick too .
These people gave you very good advice I am not the norm . I know people die or have stroke that were forced to go cold turkey in jail or psych wards though they spread the urban myth thats not true in medical circles . Pharama , Institutions and Insurance arent going to admit this now but eventually change will come it cant be coverred up forever . If your typing your doing ok . Hang in there if your going to do it do it and never go back .
PS read Dr Dave Arnesons " Methadone Withdrawl " his supplement ideas can help keep you more comfortable and saner . I dont believe in his cold turkey approach but i do believe he does plus his methods help and he is very sincere .