Hello Onsub,
I too am taking suboxone 24mg a day (8mg every 8 hours). I just started taking it a couple of weeks ago after being on other narcotics for 6 years. I am not sure on what exactly it's doing for my pain but I do notice that I'm not in as much pain as I use to be, but yet I dont feel like the sub is knocking out the pain like other narcotics do. But you have to remember that sub is 25 times more stronger than morphine. So we're taking approx. 600mg worth of morphine daily. but you have to remember that with sub, less is more, From what i've studied, is that people get more pain releif and ephoria from taking less that 6mg daily of subs. I know of a very good forum that ALL about suboxone if you want, just let me know and i'll give you the websight. It explains more there about the pain releif and the whole "less is more" thing about subs. I recommend that anyone that is taking suboxone or wants to get off narcotics go this websight. They have great people there that are very supportive just like here. I'm usually juggling between there and here all day long. ANyways, have a great day everyone.