first off i wanna say thanks for looking at my long story, im only 19 years old and id really appreciate any incite anyone has to offer.
to start i have had a this horrible pain is my side for over a year now, i went to the ER twice when i was in pain but they found nothing wrong with me. i told the docter to feel my side because i felt a knot or lump. he didnt feel anything and i was basically told the pain was in my head. i was on the couch the other week and i was crying i was in so much pain. my mother came home and made me go to the ER, i waited for 3 hours and i just wanted to leave because i knew it would be the same outcome. so we did and i dealt with the pain.
the first ER visit the docter told me my case would be a to go to a docter and be an out patient, i finally got sick of being in pain so my mother set up a docters appointment. our family docter for years moved so this is my new docter and i love him. he seems like he actually cares and believes im in real pain. to give you some background i am a 19 years old male, i have back problems for no apparent reason and my right side main ligament has a knot or lump on it. when i do any activity that involves standing for more than 20 minutes, im down for the count for a few hours til the pain goes away. the only way it goes away is if i lay down, ive been laying around for a year now because of this pain. this is no way for a 19 year old to live, i shouldnt be having these problems at such a young age.
i went to my docter and to my relief he found my lump, i almost cried because i got some consolation. im having an ultrasound appointment set up next week. the first docters visit he didnt give me any pain medication because it was too soon, but he said if i was in pain to call him. altho he did feel a lump on my right ligament that goes from your leg up to your chest, i got blood work, x-rays, and a previous cat scan at the ER. i dont have cancer so that is good, i was worried about cancer because my dad died about 9 months ago from melanoma caner. it spread to his spinal cord and he was paralyized from the waist down. for this year i told myself to quit my *****ing because i could walk unlike my dad, he also took 25 pills a day. they wanted him to take 300mg of morphene a day but it was too much. he had no chance against the cancer, it was terminal and he was dead within 6 months after finding out.
a few days later i did the trash, washed the dishes, i went to go shave and by that time my side felt like it was going to explode. i called the docters office and i went there to see my docter. he asked me what the days had been like, i told him the same and he recommended an adominal binder. i bought it and my skinny body didnt form to it so that was out of the question. after he told me about the binder i said well doc, what about my pain. he told me we'd get me something for pain, he went and got 2 samples of untram ER. it is the 200mg extended release, i figured it should give me some relief but it didnt. i even split it in half today to see if it would kill the pain more and quicker, to no surprise its not any different. my docter told me he believes my claims because he looked up my ER records and my story has stayed the same, he knows this is real. so heres the problem, when i go see him and tell him tramadol didnt do anything, hes gonna have a hard time accepting that. i was reading about pain management and i cant get anything until i have a diagnoses right?
i need some real pain medication and my docter isnt going to give a 19 year old percocet or morphene, any opiod based drugs even tho tramadol is a non controlled synthetic pain killer. does anyone have any advice for me, what should i tell my docter...i dont wanna seem like a drug addict by saying 200mg of tramadol didnt do anything but it didnt. what am going to do, anybody please help me out...i need all the help i can get.