Nurse2, it is always a good idea to print out whatever you send to any govt. agency via the Internet. If you remember your password, you may be able to access your application. During the phone interview, the interviewer will go over your reasons for applying. She may also ask about any gaps in your employment record. I had a telephone interview and never went there in person and it worked out fine.
Regarding the reevaluation, I was 62 at the time I was approved for SSD. They have never asked to reevaluate me. I think the closer you are to retirement age, the less likely they are to review your case. My b.f. received his SSD at 58 and has never been reviewed. I had actually applied for early retirement at 62 and received 2 cks., while continuing to work about 10-12 hours a week, and then was approved for SSD. My monthly check then increased to the disability income...which is what I would have gotten at age 66...and stopped working. My b.f. had been in one line of work all his life, but tried something entirely different the year before he applied for SSD, and that didn't work out, either. I think they take these things into account when deciding your claim.
Good luck!