Hi, Franritt,
Welcome to the chronic pain forum of HW. Glad to have you join us, although we're always sorry there's another person in pain.
We can offer support and share experiences, but we're not doctors and can't offer medical advice. I think none of us know for sure what has happened with the oxycodone. As you can see from reading, there's a lot of information out there. Bottom line is there does appear to be a shortage. You could check with the other pharamcies in your area and see if any think they will be getting supplies in anytime soon, but if not you will probably have to work with your doctor about
options. Hopefully your doctor is a pm specialist; if not, consulting with one may give you more options.
You might also see if you have a mail order option with your insurance, and see if they might carry them. It's kind of scary because I was hoping to switch from the percocets to the oxycodone to eliminate so much tylenol. But I'm sure not going to do it until this is all straightened out!
Again, welcome!
BTW, you might want to start a new thread and introduce yourself, if you want to be active in the forum. That way everyone will get to "meet" you!