Hello Laash and welcome to Healing Well. Yes, you have landed at the right spot for support, tips, good info and good conversation. I do hate to see someone so young be plagued with chronic pain. Its just not fair, you should be able to be up and running with your friends and having a good time like most your age. Then to be so far away from home at the same time, just plain stinks. I am quite sure at times you get scared, I know I do and I am almost 57 years old. But, I will tell you this, people that suffer with CP are very, very strong people. We have to be to put up with what we do.
I have to wonder how big of a role stress is playing in with alot of whats going on with you. By that I mean, keeping your pain levels kicked up. Stress will aggravate pain, not cause it, but aggravate it. You have a full plate with school, you are alone and away from family at a critical time when you need them around for support, your SS# being stolen on top of it all.
You did not say exactly where your pain is at but did mention a podiatrist so I know there is some foot involvment, anything else? DId you mention an MRI? What part of the body was that done on?
Since you have pretty much had no luck with the drs so far, have you considered having your primary care physician ref you to a pain mgt specialist? You would likely need a referral from your PCP to get in ro see one. Since you didn't mention where your pain was at, this is what I thinking to consider.
We do have young people on the forum too, so they will along at some point to welcome you aboard. None of us are drs here, we can only make some suggestions. Take care and will look for more posts from you....Susie