Oh Lindy, I could just hug you, you actually made my day. Yes. There are nice, kind and sweet people in the world that have morals, and it's you. I hate taking pills but I hate hurting too. I hate seeing anyone high too. It must hurt you so much that your family is going through that. I don't believe you ever would. That is so sad for your sister. I am a believer also and I will pray right now and add you to my list. My heart goes out to the many people on here and elswhere that sincerely want help and go through various pains. I am sure you are a good Mom and would never let anthing hurt your kids. I never take that much to get high where I'm slurring, I will pray for her too.. You don't sound like a hypochondriac at all. You have real issues that need to be addressed and have met up with too many doctors giving stupid answers, no answers, wrong answers and out the door you go. Your pulse is extremely high. I'm not a doctor, but I though normal was about 80 or so. You will never get addicted and don't feel guilty for taking a pill that can make you feel better. I know the feeling. I would have my husband tell me to take more because I would feel guilty and shouldn't--like he said, you are a patient not an addict, looking for a buzz. If someone was to see me they wouldn't think I was in pain, so I can relate to not being taken seriously too. I am still very flexible, which is mind boggling. I really wish they would spend more money here then us giving countries that hate us or have corrupt leaders not even using our money properly. I don't think we have much of a choice in pain killers and I would love to see non addictive ones. In my opinion and it's just that, only an opinion, you will never be like your sister and if a pill could improve the quality if your life, maybe use them more--just a suggestion. If it works that well for you, I think I would.
Can you get another doctor? I'm thinking of it. This guy doesn't know much but would send me for a referral if I asked. I am just tired of playing doctor. He has given my husband 2 assinine answers and when I asked him if he had any ideas about me, he shrugged his shoulders. Is that what we have come to expect? We're lucky to get pain meds, b/c I hear some don't even do that, which to me is sadistic. I don't know what I'm going to do. I know now, from this board, I am suppose to have more mris. My doctor seems to know little, yet, would go along with me (I believe) for another mri and possibly a ct scan.
Don't ever feel like you are going on and on. You can let it all out with me. I have no one really except my husband and my brother and son and cousin. I don't want to talk a lot about this. My husband on top of things has many things not right and our hope is in Jesus too.
I just prayed for you and your dad and sis. I will write your name to continue to pray. I got a praise report last night and just cried in joy for someone and their family. I want to be able to cry over a praise report for you.
God bless you. With my sincerest thoughts.