I am in somewhat a similiar boat. For 1 1/2 months I have had upper left ab pain on and off daily and some centered burning too. My lipase was elevated mildly. My dr also checked my ca 19 (tumor marker for pancreas)-he had checked this previously as well as my dad died of PC. So here goes, in Sept my ca 19 was slightly elevated at 42, retested in Feb it was 37 (high normal) retested when the pains started (4 wks after the Feb test) and it was 66-so dbl normal and dbl what it was 4 wks prior.
I am terrified I have cancer vs mild pancreatitis.
My Ab US, CT and EUS were all clear. However, I have read that PC can be missed on scans due to location.
This pain continues and I dont know if its normal to have mild pancreatitis for this long.
I am going to get an MRI too....
Any feedback appreciated.