Help did you visit the ER or call your Doc? I was going to mentiont hat good old fashion pluerysy can cause what your describing and although we dont see anywhere near the cases we use to it still exists. Not dangerous but extremely uncomfortable! Treated easily enough.
I did want to try to touch on the A/s as I saw you asked in my post about that as well.
I mentioned that it doesnt give me alot of problems right now and it is sporadic when it does flare up. Alot of the leg pain and butt pain your describing sounds as if it is caused by the A/S. It is one of those pesky degenerative diseases they tell me that will get worse with age so there it stands,something else great to look forward to?
I find I have more sciatic nerve pain associated with this then anything else but over the last year I have found that my breathing upon awakening is somewhat labored,also a indicator it is definately progressing some as this wasnt a problem before the last year. It is categorized as a arthritis and can effect the diaphram I am told and that is the reason for the labored or difficulty in taking a deep breath upon rising in the morning. I have noticed once I take my morning pain meds I have no more problems thru the day or into the night,only when I awaken.
It is sketchy what I can find on this disease and it seems no two articles give the exact same symptoms? Maybe it effects folks in varying ways and degree's as I do NOT have alot of back pain or problems moving around and using my back,all seems to be concentrated to the siatica and there are times this gets way way out of control and about the only pain my methadone wont touch.
Anyway just wanted to let you know that I hadnt forgot you asked about what I knew regarding A/S and also to check to see if the pain in your chest had gotten better or worse and if you saw someone about it.