Hi Dolemite,
I am so glad to hear that you have had your surgery and you are now at home recuperating. I do feel for you, the recoup time after surgery can feel like it takes forever sometimes. But, just remember you had a pretty extensive surgery with alot of cutting so yes, I can see why you are in a lot of pain and even feeling weak. Just remember, be kind to your body its been thru alot. You have really gone thru alot in so many ways since this all started.
Like PaLady said, now a days with the improvements made in cancer treatment you may only have a few annoying type side effects. Thats what we are all going to pray for.
My sister just finished 16 rounds of radiation for breast cancer and the only side effect she had from it was radiation can make you feel tired after awhile. She is back at work and doing great.
Please keep us posted on how you are coming along.