Good evening to all my understanding friends. I chose this subject, because of the way I feel lemons have been coming my way, and I am really, really trying to do my best to handle them.
This week has been mediocre on the pain front, but I see the PM Dr. tomorrow morning. I have learned so many things from you all here and I aim to be ready to push this guys buttons if need be with my new found knowledge.
However, any meds or treatments I don't think can help the sadness I have been trying to deal with this week (that on top of the "normal" frustration). A very good, long time friend of mine lost an 18 year old niece and a 20 year old nephew in a car/train collision Sunday morning. I am pretty sure I remember the girl since she was in diapers, and the boy since he was knee high. Not as close with her brother and the kids as I am with her and her kids, but it is still a tradgedy none the less. I have been speaking to her fiancee (who has become a very good friend since we met when they were dating) during the week, and left him another message this evening. As I told him, I felt it best to let her be with family and help her brother out and when the time came to lean on friends, I would be here. Well, it wasn't him that called back, it was her - that was an extremely difficult, yet very comforting call, and I could tell that she appreciated it (even though she called me!) as she knew I had been checking in
Friday is not going to be an easy day to say the least, as the funeral for them and a third boy in the car is that morning. A 4th boy is still in the hospital - how he survived is what has to be considered a miracle.
I hate to bring a real downer of a story to the board, but I had to type this out to get some real understanding and to let it flow out of my fingertips. I am not what would be called a religious man, I believe, but haven't ever really wanted to understand it or deal with it any further than that. So, I would appreciate it if those of you that are more apt to prayer, please include my friend, her brother, his only surviving son (he was not in the car), and their extended families in them. Right now, knowing they are thought of and prayed for is a lot more important to me than any physical pain, discomfort, or frustration I am feeling.
Thank you all -