You're so right Sandi - a lot of the time I feel like I know more about this stuff than they do, simply because I've tried to read up on it! But it can be so hard to find the right info, and of course I hadn't found this forum back then to ask for advice!
It's interesting what you say about the dosage, maybe I should try it again, more slowly, though I confess I'm a bit scared of it now. sigh.
mrsm123 said...
While I am no doctor, I know that you never should have been started on a dose of Baclofen at 20 mg a day as an initial dose. I was tapered from 1/2 a tablet to one tablet over the course of 3 days, and then increases every week after that to get to my 15 mg dose, three times a day. It was also explained to me that it should never be increased more than 5 mg at a time, and it had to be done over a week at a time to see how my body would react.
It's no wonder that you had the problems that you had with the drug. I'll bet it you were started on it right, and titrated up the proper way, you might still get the relief from the muscle spasms without all of the nasty side effects.
Sometimes I wonder if doctors even bother to read for half of the stuff that they put a patient on.
Bandit07 said...
I didn't have such a great time with Baclofen; it completely knocked me flat at 20mg/day (initial dose) and I ended up having to halve it, then increase a couple of weeks later. I just couldn't stay awake for more than an hour at a time. I got up to 30mg a day and it was working for the muscle spasms but it also caused a lot of problems - I couldn't think straight, felt very drugged, became panicky and depressed. I had to give up with it in the end.
I do seem to be oversensitive to stuff though, so if lots of other people have been ok with it, I wouldn't let my experience put you off. Good luck!