While I also think the basic idea is great, I have to in reality agree with Frances. We want so much for others to understand, yet if most don't want to understand now (friends, family, employers, doctors) what's to motivate them to read. It's most useful function would probably be for other CPP's to let them know they're not alone. Now that might be really helpful.
Please don't think I'm shooting down the idea. I wish it would work, but I don't think it would.
What I DO think we need is a huge Public Relations campaign to rival that of the anti-drug abuse ones. Not that I'm against those, but they give a one-sided view of pain medication. And since prescript
ion drug abuse now officially tops the list of drugs of choice for abusers, we're really in for it. We need Oprah, Dr. Oz (who's getting his own show this fall, I understand) and maybe even Dr. Phil (who I don't care for anymore but he does reach an audience) to promote the BENEFITS of pain medication when prescribed and used properly, and how lives are DESTROYED with undertreated or untreated pain. That's the kind of campaign I think would get the general public thinking. Because everyone talks about
what's on Oprah! If a book went along with it, great, but it needs the PR campaign to be the major thrust.
As Frances said, "so discouraging." Although I would add this - we are a lot of people here, both those of us who post regularly and those who read but never post. If organized (with Peter's permission, of course) and well-directed, a letter writing campaign could maybe get us off the ground. I have long thought of this BUT I can't even organize my own life at the moment! If I ever get on the other side of SSD and dentists and precancerous stuff....but right now, no energy for that. Doesn't mean others can't!!
I will say - and I know we can't get political - I HAVE called ALL my federal representatives about
my views on health care. And while I think there are legitimate things to debate, I hope people reading this won't be scared off by tactics that are inaccurate and designed by the big insurance companies and pharmaceuticals to throw us all off course. When you don't have health insurance, like me, your health care is already rationed. And if you don't think it's rationed by your health insurance carrier, think again. It's a little process called "preauthorization". Ok, I'd better shut up!
Post Edited (PAlady) : 8/22/2009 1:00:39 PM (GMT-6)