Dear Meg,
Good evening *huggs* I do not know if I have introduced myself yet, but, my name is Dani. It is very nice to meet you
I do not know much about medical conditions. Im sorry. I wish I could give you some sort of input. Even with my own medical issues, I still come here for clarifications, because, well... Half of what is told to me sound like German and the other half sounds like a polite version of "we are not positive at this time.". *sigh* What we need are interpraters or advocates to put all this "medical jargen" into "english". But *warm huggs* What ever is going on, doesnt sound good, and in fact sounds like a horrible place to have such sharp pains.
My heart aches when I read ~~> I even got an attack in the office and he thoght it was from pressing on my stomach. I remember when I first began seeking "help" for my problems and was unable to get any. All I can tell you is document the changes the best you can. work with what you have. Even if your current doctor cannot pin point an answer, someone, somewhere, will eventually be able to put all the peices of the puzzle together. Just gotta stay strong as possible til that time comes. *warm huggs*
CCL had a great suggestion. It really helps when someone else is with you. But, be prepared for the "care center" or "hospital" to want a signed release of information to have them present with you. I have to re sign documents every year just so doctors, staff, HR, Insurance, husband can all communicate. Crazyness *sigh* but, better than the alternative. Besides, when I hear "we are not positive at this time", my thoughts wonder off and I think about my medical past. It isnt that I intentionally dont hear, its just sometimes I miss some things that are said.
It really is VERY nice to meet you. I am very glad you came to the Healing Well Forums *warm huggs*