Anyone heard of injections in the cervical region being done with catheter?
EMG Showed pinched nerve at C 5 and C6 and some stuff at the C8 to T1
The EMG wasn't too bad didn't feel much on the left side but when she poked
me on the right sure hurt like heck never want that done again but might
need it for my lower back. So then my PM tells me I have cervical radiculopathy
and says he wants to try injections using a catheter now, heck he left me in
most of this pain from the last procedure I'm really thinking of getting a new
pm doc, I'm scared of this, as I have a very skinny neck and worry about
being left
paralized...I've had constant pins and needles feeling in my left arm since 20 August
2009 after he (PM Doc) did the (RFA) Radiofrequency ablation, so I have my doubts now...
He spent about
10 minutes with me and told me to think about
it without any other
explanations, so my lower back is acting up with sharp stabs and I didn't
even get to ask him about
that, geezee....but he did change my meds from oxycodone IR to
Norco 10/325.. the oxy was giving problems big time, I've been nauseated and think
it's from the pain.....
sorry about
the length of my posts..