Dear Chutz,
Good morning! *warm huggs* How are you doing today? We are good here. The girls are making "templates?".. schematics? Of how they want their rooms done since its Winter Clean time here. I am enjoying the company *huggs* with a warm cup of coffee. Today is my sleep in day, and I never understand why I cannot seem to sleep in much past 9:30. Maybe its the cold toes and giggles that hop into bed with me!
I was giggling inside when I read your post, you know it could have been me writing it! I am so glad I am not the only one who feels complete by loving others! My husband, his family and friends just don't get it! I mean, do they not realize that it is the love that is put into the home that makes them all want to be here? I hear all the time "just relax" and "you do too much" but really... I look about and truly feel I do not do enough!
When I first went to the pain psychologist, she asked about a hundred questions... by the the third visit I felt "attacked" somehow, because so many were plucking apart my behaviours!!! In the end I am glad I listened and tried to change my habits. But gosh it was hard. I think what helped the most, was my husband understanding that one of my emotional needs is to have a clean home, but he is stubborn and that part took a while for him to understand. In any case, here are some of the changes...
3 "times" of "me" time per day : No phone. No requests. Only things that *I* want and that will only benefit me. (this part took a while, but, when I was told that "me" time would also benefit those I love, well... )
8:30am-9:30am ~Computer / morning coffee (sleep-in day 1st hour available)
1:30pm-2:30pm~ Nap or Biofeed back
8:45pm - 10:30pm~ Computer / social time (unless its thursday "HW Chat" night) / Jewlery
"sleep-in" atleast 1 time per week. (kidds eat cereal that day)
1/2 or 1 "day off" per week : My husband and children must do ATLEAST minimum house hold duties. Dishes, Order out for supper (my husband has to do "take out" for his once a week meal becuase it took a really long time for his hair to grow back after the last fire in kitchen), basic clean (putting what they see in the right bins). Nothing spectacular, just basics. No laundry, they tried last time my towels turned blue and green.
Game Night~ (no phones) Wednesday is game night as it is a half day for the girls. But I make easy supper ahead of time or something simple.
"project shelf & bins" all labeled. Tools. mail. completed school work. art supplies. electronic stuff. games. Etc. and then on saturday (sometiems wednesday too) I hand everyone a bin, they must put what is in their bin, away where it belongs.
I also have labeled units on shelves too, where it is all put away in its area or shelving unit. "activity chest" has mini bins for pencils, markers, glue, scissors,etc.. The "game unit" has areas for puzzles, cards, outside games, adult games and childrens games. It sounds simple, but getting the shelves labeled and organized etc, everyone used to the system took a while... few months to create the areas and few months for everyone to get used to the system. Another good one, is making everyone track their own dirty laundry. If it doesnt make from their room bins ~> laundry room bins, it doesnt get washed.
I have "rules" or "goals" I had to try to achieve too that were really hard to follow at first. Only do bed linens 2x per week. Only vacume every other day (that one is hard to follow). Mop everyother day (sweep constantly thou, we live in desert). Bathrooms every other day. Was supposed to do laundry the same, but I cannot seem to achieve it. My motto! "Load a day keeps the overwhelmed monster away". Dust every other day, etc. Anything that could be done every other day instead of daily. Somethings went from weekly to monthly like base boards, outside windows, pantry, etc. I prepare the entire weeks lunches on sunday. Try to prepare wednesday night meal and freeze, if possible.
One thing that I didnt expect is that they all had an area they didnt want touched. Turned out to be their desks... drives me crazy. I try not to touch those areas but 1 a week..aside from dusting...maybe just a lil straightning.
So that how I keep the henson household running smoothly. I dont have any good ideas for remembering medicine thou. I always forget my morning dose, and always have to hop out of bed to take evening dose. I hope that part gets easier to remember, I am still kinda new to taking medicine. I know it seems like I have alot of "me" time.. I wake at 6:30am and close my day at 8:45pm. So it "evens out" somehow.
It was really nioce to chat with you, but I have eaten up my morning hour and then some! It must be the good company *huggs* Hope you have a nice day today *warmest huggs*