So, like I figured, I seem to be starting all over. They asked me what types of medications I was on before that had helped, and I told them a couple of them. They basically just gave me some mobic, which I told them I was on b4 and it did nothing. I also said that I wasnt sure, but I thought that might have been the one that made me throw up black looking stuff, and he said to eat food and drink lots of water. They ordered some blood work, to rule out RA, and I told them that I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis a few years ago. Im not sure what the other blood work is for, dont know their abbreviations. I gave them my MRIs from one year ago, I had them updated when I was on pregnancy medicaid after I had the baby (you keep preg medicaid for 2 months after giving birth.) They didnt look at them in front of me, but I assume they did behind the scenes. They also ordered new nerve damage testing (you know when they attach stuff to you then shock the crap out of you) even though I gave them the written results of the same tests from 1 year ago. When they asked about
what I want out of treatment, I said to get my life back. To have less pain. To be able to pick up my son, and play with him. Ieven told them that I wanted to go back to school and contribute to my family, but as it is now I can only sit in my recliner. I told them about
the muscle spasms I get everyday, and about
the depression. I didnt even get to see the neuro Dr. Griffin... it was one of her lakkies. I'm sure they just want to get their own testing to cover their butts bc drs in FL are under alot of scrutiny bc of the huge opiate abuse in this state by drs and patients, but now its going to be another month before I can even tell if this doctor is going to help me at all. Of course this visit was devistating, but I guess that at least all angles will be covered. I dont know how Im going to make it another month, but thats my problem, not theirs. Apparently the fact that I have been able to get it somewhat manageable by sitting in my recliner and doing nothing means that what...I should be able to deal with the pain. It hasnt been easy, and I havent been perfect, but Ive done what I had to to get by. I guess Im just afraid that nothing is ever going to get better. And it really pisses me off that a friend of mine was just dismissed from one dr bc he found out she shared some of her neurontin with her mother, and she immediately went to another dr and got fentynal patches and pills galore. Im doing it the right way and getting squat.
Now Im too pissed off to keep typing, and cant see through the tears anyway, so I'll check in later.