Dear Leisa,
Good morning *warm huggs* I am sorry I havnt been around much. My husband had to do all sorts of stuff to my computer and erase / reload a bunch of programms. I am glad he is done, I thought my head would pop off my shoulders and rotate 360 deg! hehe No, I didnt get any emails. Well, I porbably did, but eveything was lost when I got a Trojan on my computer.
You asked alot of questions so I am gonna try to respond to em all, thou I may be a little to late with the info.
Danni, do you get break through pain?
I have a kinda extensive plann for pain management, So I am just gonna give a detailed list and if you have any questions about any of them let me know.
Epidural Steroid Injection (every 3-4mon ~6 to 8 injections in a "series" in spine)
Nabumetone (For the ache / stiffness in the hipps and shoulders)
Amitryptaline (insomnia - less pain in the AM - decreased reaction to pain)
TeNS unit (Spine stimulation and temporary pain relief in lumbar)
Tramadol (the dosage is being slowly increased over 1.5month, will be at desired dose in few weeks~ I hope)
50,000 IU Vit D (per week - tetany, parethesias, hypoparathyroidism, bone loss)
That is the stuff related to "pain".
The pain i get in my id to lower back to the right is a completly different pain. I hope he listens and doesnt think i am a hypercondriac...
The pain in my lumbar is COMPLETLY different from the pain in my upper spine. There is NOTHING wrong with you. The pain between my shoulders is a constant "ache" and the pain in my neck is a "flu" like feeling and the pain in my lower back / tail bone is a constant "Hot sting". If there is something "weird" about your pain, then we will be "weird" together *warm huggs*
and i am complaining?
NO! You are NOT! Dont think that for one second. We just need to have specialists that understand the spine a bit more than most. And there are doctors that specialize in spinal deformities. I was so relieved when I read your latest update and mentioned you would be seeing one. You will notice the difference right away.
Its amazing how little kids can feel your pain, its so hard at times when we cry in front of our kids due to bad news , pain etc... how are you supposed to explain this to our small children, like you said as soon as Mummy cries they cry, and that is heartbreaking.
I do not cry in front of my bumblebees. Everything that is going on with Mommy is explained in terms that they can understand. They have met most of my doctors and love them very much. Even when it comes to the injeciton series, they know mommy goes to her "special doctor" to get "shots" so mommy can "jump and play". Even when I lost my teeth (they crumbled out of my mouth) they met the oral surgeons and dentists and love them very much. They knew mommy was to get "brand new smile" so we could "eat ice cream till we got sick to our tummies". This way, nothing is frightning or scary about what is "happening" to mommy and they arnt "afraid" of doctors.
I dont have extended family myself, but my husbands family in florida is wonderful. Here our family consists of my husband, bumblebees and very good friend of my in california who feels like family.
I too have been dianosed with clinical Insomnia, and have been prescibed Stillnox- do you have this med in your country?
I am afraid I do not know much about the differant medicines. I am so new to all of this. Just 4yrs ago, my doctor visits consisted of routeen vaccinations and standard "physical" check-up.
Did you get the email i sent you?
I killed my computer . And lost all sorts of stuff that was in my MSN explorer. But, on a more positive note, my computer is no longer "sluggish" and I don't get errors anymore
Any plans for as you call it Thanks Giving?
Yes, but we do not "celebrate" holidays when the rest of our neighbors do. We will celebrate "thanksgiving" on Sunday Evening due to my husband work schedual. This is my first year without my husbands family, so it will be quiet. Usually we have a steady stream of his family members from October til January, but this year will be quiet and relaxing.
Do you celebrate the season of "harvest" out where you are? What kind of holidays do you have for the winter season? Do you have a large family? And more importantly are they supportive for you?
I was expecting a even pain relief, i am frazzled as to why its subsided in one area, and still very strong elsewhere? Has anyone else experienced this with pain meds before?.
Yes. Nothing but Nabumetone touches the pain in my hipps and shoulders. There are other areas like this in my body, thou I am not sure of "why" it is like that, my spine specialist just "nods his head" like it is completly normal.
.... I see I have once again, made this post far longer than intended. I will end it here but please know you are in our hearts and prayer *huggs*
*warm huggs*