hi everyone im so glad you found me im not sure how i got here but i bookmarked and saw you guys here. thank you /im very new to comp ,7wks so iget lost alot
this is my 4th try lost last 3 .im an RN 18yrs .now disabled. i know most
ifnoy all know how pain flips our life ! ive felt preety isolated but im hi touch not high tec ,but i finally jumped in. i had bilat knees in 2004 and thought i would be back to norm in 12 weks instead i got rsd in ft leg / and hip temp regulation out the door foot turns blue and cold if in down pos pain never stops ever i only have 2 hrs total most days to do anything and the rest of the time down im sure most know how this is illbe bacy on tonite 10pm 12mid most nites
,aiso im putting my e mail on here so if you watch and i get lost you can help me get back or if you want to just talk or i can help you,email
[email protected] .i had more but "4 th try i hope to see s of you tonite im on central time ,i hope ive found a home,