I am very tired as of late. Inside and out. The fatigue is like a heavy wet blanket. My pain scale is sitting right at 9-10 for almost three weeks now. I do, however, feel that I am slowly becomming accustomed to it. So, that is a good thing. It is my 2nd "new 10 adjustment" in the last 2 months.
My hip is obviously rotated to the rear. Many people have commented on it. There is just no denying it. I am assuming it has something to do with the pain increase and the loss of another inch off my height . I am 5ft 4in now - 5ft 5in as of march - total of almost 4inchest lost in little over a year.
Walking no longer looks like a partial limp & shuffle... looks more like a longer rotation in my right hip into each step. My hip just rotates to the front and takes a little longer to go into each step. I wish I didnt look quite so akward walking... I could have just kicked myself for ever complaining about the odd little hobble I had before. In anycase, blessings come in odd ways, and this new "walk" came with much needed relief on my knees. They only hurt at about a 4 now.
However, I do have deep ache in both hipps all the time now, instead of just when I sit. Also, I cannot fit into my jeans atall. I had thought that perhaps I was gaining weight at first, but, now it is clear it is my disproportioned hips causing the problems in the fashion department. My right hip is rotated a good 2 inches towards my back where it should be in my side. Still pivoted up into the rib cage as before, just more towards the back. Argh... this stuff is getting rediclious.
....needless to say I very weary of what my next appointment with the spine specialists will be like. I know they will be surprised by what has happened to my hip and my height... call me crazy, but I am just not in a rush to have more X rays and more angle measurments. Seems that is all they ever do anyway. Xrays & cobb angle measurments, more meds. Not anything I am intreased in jump starting. Have to see them next month anyway....
Gosh, I wish so much this would all slow down.