First I want to thank everyone for the great advice and support you all have provided
me in this forum. It was really appreciated. Well, today I had the 3rd set of cervical epidural injections. Im pretty sure he gave me more than this last 2 times. Simply because I heard him say "Shoot here" alot more times than before.
After he was done I discussed the fact that Ultram wasnt doing so well to relieve
the pain. He told me to start taking 2 50mg 3 times a day. Ask me was I taking muscle
relaxers, but when I told him no he didnt offer any. I will go back for a follow up in
2 weeks.
Now Im just worried right now about taking 2 at a time. I hate not knowing what
this will do to me. I have to be alert when I am working as I deal with alot of money
during the day. There is no room for error.
I would appreciate anyones experience with taking Ultram at the dosage Im satarting this evening. Thanks again You all are great!