Dear Friends,
I am terribly sorry for being "sparse" at best this last week. I haven't even had a moment to sit and read up on what is happening with everyone. I hate to admit it but I am over extended and in over my head. At times, I wish there were 3 of me. I say three because being a parent already means you have mastered the skill of a double work load *sigh*
The school has finally asked for all parents to under go extensive background check and full interviews at the main district office. Everyone, even if you are just in class to celebrate an occasion, part of bake sale, provide food for classrooms, chaperone, PTA or even carnival night.. you MUST undergo the process. Of course this is something I have always pushed for, especially after having one of the "chaperone" parents over to my home for dinner last year. Long story short the man was extremely hostile and went out of his way to say how "easy I had it". Then he dropped off his children (all 4 of them) at my home at 1pm for lunch and didn’t come to pick them up until 11:30pm while telling me (yes telling me!) that he needed to drop his children off the next morning. Even after I told him that it would be impossible and that I had appointments and errands, he still called multiple times to tell me all about how his needs were far more important than my own. I had barely known him but those 3 times!! He was very aggressive to say the least. I later found out he was moving out of the blue the week later and had already been question about his parenting and the state of his home. In any case, I am glad for the extensive background checks, but they are so time consuming!
Umm, have to patrol, Ill come back in just a moment
With the high school kids it is soda pop cans and waaaay to much cursing. The middle school kids it is bubblegum and candy wrappers. Surprisingly the elementary kids are the cleanest and pick flowers for me. Go figure.
Where was I? Yes! So between background documentation, ballet, volunteering, Pilot Program, physical therapy / doctor appointments, family / household care and trying to get my jewelry sales off the ground I have been in over my head! Speaking of jewelry.. I am so disappointed in myself for already missing my deadline of September 1st. Mostly because I only had two things left to do! Activate the card and re-take pictures of each set. Last two and easiest steps!!! To have dropped the ball after all the hard work was done, is a huge let down. I could just kick myself!
Pilot program... My youngest little Bee (1st gr) was chosen for a reading & writing pilot program. During the year she will be pulled out of her regular class each day and 3 teachers (one "assisting / learning") work on a new way to enhance reading and writing together. In the afternoon at home she reads me 3 stories. Then tells me what the common "theme" of them is. 2 are books she writes during the day (different "subject" but common "theme") and 1 is printed book. At night here at home, instead of letting them pick out 2 stories for bed time. Little Bee has a selected story to read to us that is what the following (next day) days lessons will be centered around. The second book I have Miss Tess picking out. (Little Bee is a disappointed she doesn’t get to pick a "fun story"). Now, during this program she will be recorded and we will take her to other schools in our district and neighboring districts to teach the other teachers/ educators what the program is, how to do the program, what the desired result will be. The end result being that hopefully the other schools can begin their own pilot program next year. Our school starting out fully staffed next year. I know it doesn’t sound like much... but my Little Bee is the only child for this program and I want very much to help. It could go a long way for other children is all goes well. Though it sounds simple, getting everything in order legally for Little Bee to be able to do this, took a lot of running around.
Physically I am having a hard time. I am sitting right at about 6 & 7 (still better than my "normal") for most of the morning and afternoon. Now my right hip (which was already rotating towards the rear) is now getting higher and higher. The biggest problem is that when I sit it makes my ribs tender and sore. Not that it was easy to sit in the first place with the constant "flu like" ache in my hips when I sit... It just add even more frustration over the simple act of sitting. Walking is.. wobbly, uncertain, awkward. My knees are still doing good, just constant soreness on the outside left knee. Of course, even the new clothing I just got 2 months ago is "rubbing" already sore and tender areas in my hips to the point of constant itching and swelling. I am none to thrilled about what will happen when my doctors see me in a few weeks. If they haven't already gotten an ear full from the physical therapist by that point..... I am still enjoying 4hrs of sleep consistently. Only a couple of 3hr nights to report. Still within 5-10 waking periods per night. The pain scale is moderate. Thankfully it isn't until 4 & 5pm when the pain begins the larger hikes of 8 & 9. At this point, I have to get with it and schedule the new images. I have run out of excuses. I must admit I am rather curious as to what is happening in-between my shoulder blades and what is being damaged during the increase in rotation. It seems that things are progressing at a much faster rate than ever before and am curious to compare images from March with new images.
Now that I have rambled on and on I will end this here. I hope everyone is doing okay, I hope to read up one everyone today. Sometimes I wish there were a way to get text-to-speech on the forum *sigh*
*warm hugg*