Thank you for all the replies, as an update I have been informed that my Senators lead investigator in Washington DC has a meeting with the officials at the federal level in New York after the first of the year. For those just coming in this is in regards to my problems with a Neuro Stimulator by a major manufacture, the battery in March of 2010 just stopped working and when I asked for help with the bills basically was told sorry. And now only one of two leads are working, and then was told by the representive of the company, tough one will have to be enough. So ya, I was upset and when I went to my Senator was expecting nothing. Well that is not the case, I have currently a person working at the local level to get on the Manufacture about
assisiting me with the bills, to include pain and suffering. Plus as I stated at the Federal level. But, here is where we need your help, if you have a Neuro Stimulator that has gone bad, I have heard from Frances_2008 already, but we NEED everyone with any kind of problem with there SCS to let me know on this forum. I am not promissing any thing out of this, but as my father (RIP) always told me, Nothing ventured nothing gained!! So if your reading this please reply, I will be in contact with you as things progress. Thank you. Oh and new developments with me are at the end of January going in for spinal tap, then possibly following up with another injection, which I told them would be a waste of time and money, because they inject this stuff into a vertabre that is not there. But who am I. Gerrrrr, then off for a mylogram/ct to see if anything has changed and to confirm the Spinal Stenosis. Ya fun, fun. Now you know why, I am making the first part of this a mission of mine. If we have to go through this pain because of there malfunction then they should have to suffer as well, am I reaching for the stars, you bettcha! Will I fall flat on my face, probably but at least I can say I tried.