After doing a Google search I found this forum. I've been looking for a local support group but haven't had any luck. I don't have family close by so no support system in place. I'm being treated for CP due to arthritis in left hip, left shoulder and both knees. Up to recently I'd had pretty good control of the pain then I apparently torn the meniscus in my left knee. I've spent the last month in so much pain I'm ready to do like the animals do and gnaw off my leg. I'm currently on Robaxin, Vicodin (very limited) and OTC anti-inflammatorys. I have a past history of addiction (prescript
ion pain meds that a doctor in my past doled out like candy) so am very careful of narcotic meds but lately the pain in my left leg has just been totally out of control. I have no medical insurance and not old enough to get Medicare yet (have 2+ yrs to go) and work for myself as a pet sitter ... which means I'm very active in my job. The torn meniscus happened as a result of a very busy Christmas with pet sit clients that live in 2 story homes and I was doing a lot of stairs ... multiple times each visit. Good for weight loss and good for building muscle. Terrible for bad knees and I blew out the left knee. Because money is so tight I've been doing the RICE treatment for the knee but it's not doing any good. And I won't have any extra money to go to the doctor for another 2 weeks (it's a low cost clinic and in order to get the reduced cost you have to pay at the time of the appointment).
I live with 9 kitties and several of them have health issues themselves which keeps me working to provide the care they need. I have a diabetic cat and a hyper-T cat ... the meds for them alone are almost as much as I spend for myself. But they are what keep me going during the bad times and I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have them.
I'm not looking for answers ... just looking for support and others who understand what it's like to be in constant 24/7 pain. Depressed? darned staight ... but it's the CP not anything else (OK .. maybe the crappy dark dreary days!)