Hi forum pals. I just wanted to share this with you. I'm working with the accpuncturists and she's really helping me. I'm feeling a lot better, problems are still there, yes, but the level of pain is way down.
She has me taking Yunnan Baiyao and while it smells gross and tastes worse if you burp, it gives me more pep and energy.
The one thing I wanted to share in this forum is the Zhitong Gao patches for pain relief. It's not Tiger Balm, it's something else that smells horrid but works so darn well, I had to share it with you. I find my tender and painful spots, put the pads on (it's like medicated duct tape) and there's a great deal of relief. I didn't know if anyone else wanted to give it a shot but I'm sharing the info in case it's useful to anyone. It's wintergreen oil, camphor and menthol but it's a nice combo. I don't know why it smells so bad.