Hi Michele
So nice to meet you. Where do you live. I am in Ottawa, Ontario. I am 53, married to my soul mate, and have two boys, 20 and 22. I am a paediatric nurse in a children s hospital but on disability for two and a half years now . Tell me something about you.
My headaches started in 2000. The headaches have always been the same, bilateral temples and continous, mostly severe pain. I had a tmj disorder worked up. Had braces then and again right now and many appliances and mouthguards. Make sure you see a dentist who has expertise in tmj disorders, not just a regular dentist. I have seen every kind of doctor it seems. Certainly see a neurologist who specializes in headaches. I have tried all kinds of meds. I have tried many forms of treatments, massage, chiro, head, neck and jaw therapist. acupuncture, and more but i canèt remember it all, i would have to get my journals out for the specifics, which i can if you want. I have ten journals. I would never be able to remember this horrible journey iève been on. Certainly get a pain management doc. I did get better after a while of being done the braces and being on methadone. I got back to work after being off for a year and a half. and now everything is back and no one knows why. i have gone out of town to pain clinics and a natural pain relief clinic. I have tried botox for two sessions with no help. I have had nerve blocks, no help. ketamine infusions at a home with no help. i am on methadone again, since Dec. but no effect on my pain. i too am in bed quite a bit. my depression is terrible lately. Doing lots of crying. I am Christian and so i do a lot of praying, asking for strength and courage to continue this journey until we find an answer.
Well there is a start for you michele. What have you dono so far andwhat meds have you tried. If you want more specifics just go ahead and ask me questions. I can look up all my meds i have tried in my journal.
You can email me too if you prefer, my email address is under my name
i sure hope you get a good night sleep
Talk soon