Hello Hazzian!
The weekends can be a little slow, and the view count you see could be from non members looking around the site. Every time you click on the post to view, it counts as a hit. Even if you are doing the viewing.
Our members are good about supporting, but like I said several of them take time away for the weekend.
I'm so sorry to see that you are suffering, and I would always suggest if it gets this bad and you do not have medication for relief, and especially if you do not know what is causing, then certianlly go to the ER.
We are not Dr's, and with limited information it would be hard for us to suggest a guess. The cause of your pain could be as simple as a sinus infection, but again, you will need to see a Dr for it.
We welcome you here, and hope you post and let us know what you found out. Again, I'm sure you will enjoy the members here.
Take care,