Thank you all for the very interesting answers I received concerning tramadol.
I can only quess that when I was first prescriped any meds for my original injury in 1989, my gp started me off with vicodin es. From there I only cllimbed up the narcotic ladder. Off and on thru the first years of my injury, I had been prescribed anti-depressants. I never found any of them helpful, but I think that is because I never gave them a chance. One of my problems, is I want immediate relief, no matter what I am taking.
At any rate 11+ years later, I no longer want to try any anti-depressant, as I have worked my way slowly back to what is now normal to me. This took along time and some very hard work on my part, but I finally had to accept that the life I once had was not going to come back. I then began to rebuild my life according to my limitations.
That was the hard part, and actually I am still a work in progress.
So thank you everyone, as usual the help I needs is at my fingertips (ok sorry about the pun). So before I start rambling on.
Hoping all are having low pain days today and everyday.