Posted 4/18/2011 8:18 PM (GMT 0)
Hello all --
I'm in my mid-twenties, and I've been suffering with shooting pains in my butt -- mostly when sitting -- (both sides) for almost 5 months now. The pain comes mostly in the lower butt, and it feels deeper and often sharp, though sometimes dull. I also get shooting pains occasionally in my right groin, and on my right hamstring. Additional symptoms include a sore right hip, and very sensitive skin on the back of my lower right leg, above the knee (very much on the skin -- have to wear soft pants).
At first I thought it was skin, as I saw something on my LEFT butt, and the pain was only there. My dermatologist (I had a viral skin issue for the 4 months before that) said it was folliculitis, and gave me some peroxide wash, which did not kill the pain. My GP then gave me a topical antibiotic, which I put on both sides of my butt, plus my right leg, as the pan seemed to be spreading -- all to no avail. Finally another dermatologist said, this was not a skin thing, and put me on prednisone for 3 weeks at 30/20/10 every day. Things got slightly better, though I still could not sit down -- only on a donut. The first two months were the worst. Then a doctor prescribed neurontin, which worked fairly well for the pain. I got an MRI of my lower back, which came back negative, as the GP thought it was sciatica. I then went to a neurologist who did all his tests, and concluded it was some kind of local neurological pain from nerve entrapment, compression, damage -- who knows!
Either way, I've gone down to 200 mg a day of neurontin from 900 mg, and the pain is barely tolerable -- considering I can't work out in order to rest. I ice it 3x a day, which helps -- so must have inflammation -- and I take 2 aleve a day, every day.
I'm kind of at a loss. Do I get an MRI of my hips? To I go to a chiropractor for an x-ray and diagnosis. Do I do physical therapy. My GP doesn't have any ideas, and I still have this terrible pain!
Please help! Your suggestions are most welcome.