Hello Kim!
Hey!...you made it!....sorry I'm getting back to you a little late here, but I was thrilled to see that you found the correct place to post you're introduction.
First off!...Welcome to the Chronic Pain Forum! ..as you can already see, we have a wonderful support group here! It looks like you have recieved some excellant advice from just a few of our members.
I'm going to just add a few tips for you, and let you roam around. One thing We always encourage, new members to stay engaged with the members here. You will get out of what you put into it, and trust me there is a wealth of information, not to mention the many, many friends you will make for a lifetime. I love the members here, and some of my best friends in life reside here!
As mentioned, please take the time, and take a peek at the "Chronic Pain 101" ..located at the top of our home page. You will find a wealth of information there, and some tools to help you gage your pain scale, and a journal you can print and keep daily records of. This can come in very handy when your dealing with a PM (Pain Management DR) ....here are the links for you to click on.
Pain scale: http://www.wemsi.org/painscale.html ...check it out...it's a great gage of your pain!
Pain Journal: http://www.painfoundation.org/learn/publications/files/TargetDailyLog.pdf ...another great resource!
Teaching Hospital's: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_university_hospitals ...Highly recomended for tough to diagnose DX's
...another item found here, and well worth the effort and time is the "Search Button" located in the upper righthand of this page. I personally have spent many, many hours researching topic's on the forum, using this neat little feature. Simply click the button and type in your word/words of interest, and watch the magic!
...and finally, while I'm thinking about it, please take a moment to read through the "Forum Rules" located at the top of the home page. It just might save you some embarressment one of these days. They are really comon sense rules, and easy to follow.
I'm so glad you found this site, and I trust you will enjoy the fruits of your diligent search. We do!.. sincerely believe we have the best Chronic Pain support group on the Web. Period!
I will check in with you a bit later to see how you're doing..untill then....
Enjoy your stay with us!