Sarrah,...when I hear a tone of desperation such as your...and the pain levels you are experiencing,...then I think a trip to the ER is in order. An 8 to a 10 is very severe...and really warrants emergency care in my opinion.
Just make sure that if you are under a contract with you're PM....tell the Dr's there...and I think they can put in a call on you're behalf. You really need some sort of emergency relief now! It might be as simple as a shot of morphine...or an increase in your med's.
I don't know what you're med's are, that you are scripted...would you be willing to share that with us?
If you have used every trick that you can think of, then....head to the do not need to suffer like this.
Good luck, and let us know if you get to feeling better.
In sincerity,