Hi All,
Bionic woman is correct in her description of how Prolotherapy works! A good Prolotherapist will be able to tell you based on your xrays, diagnosis and symptoms, if he can help you! I went to a well known Prolotherapist here in Phoenix (he is also a teacher of Prolotherapy and is known world wide) when the discs ruptured in the neck, he told me I needed to have surgery STAT (I was hoping he could help me avoid surgery). He did tell me to come back 3-4 mos after and he could help me! I did go back and after 6-8 treatments was able to return to work. I continued to get treatments on an as needed basis (these kept me off pain meds for 3 yrs.) the problem was the ergonomic set up of the testing I was doing was undoing all of the treatments that were helping me.
Unfortunately, most insurances do NOT cover Prolotherapy....if your on Medicare you have to sign a disclaimer! If I had the $$$$ I would pursue this treatment for sure! Most Prolotherapy Dr.'s are M.D.'s with additional licenses, D.O., Homeopath, Naturopath etc.
Don't prejudge this treatment, it is a respected therapy by Dr.'s who know what it is. WC probably will cover this IF your Primary Dr. refers you. I lost my WC case because I didn't file when the initial injury occured, you have a 1 yr. limit to file!
Medicare limits your treatments, SSD limits your income, making it difficult to think outside the box XXOO