So, I started getting irritation and pain in my L hip joint, and proggressed to include the R. It "catches" occasionally when I go to lift a straight leg. Xrays come out clean and my PM thinks it is the RA progressing. I also have increased irritating pain in my shouder. The L side also catches when I try cross-body lift, but not all the time.
It is that warm, itchy, gritty type pain. It it was colored it would be a burnt orange pain. I'm no good at giving this type of pain a number beause movement and stillness change it so much quickly.
I know that is infammation b/c of what I imagine would make it feel better. The gel doesnt cut it anymore, I imagine a injection of cool into the center would be the best. I havent talked to my PM about
an injection just yet. I want to see the Rheumy first.
So I had my appt moved up by 3 weeks and here I sit waiting for my turn.
I took the MTX last night and so Im nausious and unbalanced and exausted and my muscles are sore. I had to rely on a driver to get me here, and I hate doing that, but it was only spot avaliable.
I also want to bring up that both my psychologist and the PM belive I have fibro, and im not sure how.
I gotta go. Wish me luck.
Post Edited (_Christina) : 8/27/2011 11:01:08 PM (GMT-6)