are in so much pain....
Not only do you need your insides renetted up properly on the inside but it also sounds like you have interstitial cystitis. It is where the inside of the bladder (mucous layer) is damaged and the nerves are exposed. It feels like a bladder infection and bricks on your pelvic area all the time. Plus you get spasms from your nerves up your spine and even sometimes down to your knee caps. I say this because no one with IC can handle a catheder or even anyone touching their bladder....betcha cried all the way home...didn't yah? I won't let anyone touch my bladder while awake.
First you have got to stop the spasms. Go to a urologist and have them check you for IC. They rub potassium on your bladder and watch it inflame while asleep. They have to take pictures. It took
my doctor 6 months before getting my pictures back. And doctors 5 years to finally diagnose me correctly....on top of they opened me up and checked every organ I had prior to checking my bladder because they said a cyst on my ovary couldn't possibly be causing that much pain and I kept insisting I was insisting I was in extreme pain... have multiple other problems. But you've got to get your bladder under control.
Things I do to calm my bladder pain...take one or two doses of macrobid....take bladder numbing pills sold over the counter (peridium...take with peanut butter sandwich and lots of water and lay on left side for 20 minutes or stomach will hurt)...5mg valium (one other IC lady told me about those because vicodan by itself wouldn't work for her...they have worked the best) i take a couple a day and unfortunately I have to take two vicodan a day to function and work because I have a family to raise. Use a heating pad alot. Tums help too. In the meantime, go to the IC network and find what foods to stay away from. Everyday I have pain...and the pain meds I take only take the edge off.
IC has also riddled my body with gastrointestinal problems as well...if your stomach won't digest food or it hurts...drink acidophilus milk(has enzymes that digest food...I put it in my cearl...has a sweet taste...but basically taste the same. Sometimes can give heart burn...but take an over the counter zantac...if you incounter this reaction. Sometimes I do...sometimes I don't have heartburn. And take activa yogurt but not too has potassium in it....just enough that your colon needs it. Doctors are great at taking bacteria out of your body but don't give you advice on how to put the good bacteria back in. Especially if you've had to take laxatives or miralax. Listen to your body. If your stomach hurts after a meal and you've taken a laxative in the past....drink the milk I told you about (I usually do this in the evening). And later the next day activa yogurt.
Stay away from coffee, tea, chocolate, bananas (potassium), tomatoes....check the ic network chart for foods to stay away from.
i betcha over half your pain is your organs resting on your bladder. You look normal on the outside...but on the are in agony. Not many understand...just close family members who see you in the pain on a daily basis understand.
I'm not at the age where my insides are starting to drop....but all of us get there...and I'm not looking foward to fact....I'm dreading it. First make sure your insides are netted up...and then get checked for IC. In the meantime stay away from food that inflame bladders and gastrointestinal tract. Use bladder numbing pills (I only take these when necessary becuase they hurt my stomach....but once my bladder is calms...I can be good for it is worth it), acidophilus milk, activa yogurt and heating pad to keep your nerves calms and digestive system regulated.
I'm not a doctor and certainly not trying to diagnose you....but neurological pain in and around the bladder is the worst pain and hardest to diagnose. And I suffered through two preganancies without knowing why I was in so much pain....I would take 8 ibuprofen a day. It was truely a nightmare and still is to some degree it is but aleast I can function now and not be bedridden all the time. And I know what is wrong with me.
And don't let doctors let you believe spasms of any kind are normal and should go untreated. You need anti-spasm meds like valium. they can make you sleepy at first...but eventually that feeling goes away. Don't take alot...just enough to take the edge off you pain with ibuprofen. If ibuprofen isn't working...tell them how much ibuprofen you are taking...and then they will resort to a low grade narcotic.
Good Luck...I wish you the best. And I will pray for you.