Hello Roger! I copied your post from another forum and took the liberty of pasting it here on HW at the request of another member, and actually by invitation of your post as well.
Hope this helps you, and we would like to Welcome you to the CP forum!
Roger Rabbitt wrote:Hello all!
As of last week I was diagnosed with this disease. I will say I am floored and can't imagine what I am about
to endure. My Faith in Christ it strong, but like any normal human, I am still in shock. God has a reason for this, but I am still not sure why.
A little back ground on me. I am a 45 Hispanic male,Police Officer, 6'02", 270 lbs. I have had Hypertension for as long as I can remember and have always been on meds for that. A couple of yrs ago I was diagnosed as type II Diabetes. Also on meds for that. FYI I have lost 53 lbs, due to my diabetes. I was 323 lbs a yr and half ago.
2 yrs ago(may 09) I was in a car wreck head on, and things seemed to spiral for me. I expierenced neck and back pain, since then. I took it for what it was worth and continued on. x rays at the time of accident showed what appeared as herniated discs at different area, oh well so I thought.
Fast forward 2 and a half yrs now. I took a fall about
2 months ago, here at home. Pain in my left buttock, down my left leg etc Simple signs of a disc flaming a nerve, so I thought. MRIS were done and that was the prognosis, OPLL. That was a hard pill to swallow, as I am deathly scared of back surgeries.
A MRI of my neck and mid back were ordered 2 weeks ago, and look what shows up OPLL. I felt like I was in a daze as he was telling me what was going to happen, what could happen etc. Till now my mind is in a blaze of disbelief. Compound that with what seems to be very little to no great knowledge of this disease and numerous ways to treat and not to treat it. I live in Hickville, but the doctor, who is a spine surgeon assures me he knows what he is doing.
December is my first surgery on my neck and lower back. Basically he is going to cut the bones at the vertrabraes to give the spinal cord more "room" wow He says he would like to go through the front, but may go through the front and back, depending on how things go.
Here is what I am having a really tough time with. He assures me in best case scenario. 3 nights in the hospital and 4 days. 2 weeks at home and then off to light duty. Just doesn't seem feasible to me, and everything I have read has been no where close to this.
Other symptoms for me? Drop foot in my left leg, neck, upper and lower back pain, headaches(which I never ever had headaches in my entire life) till now, blurred vision in my left eye, very unsteady gait and unbalanced when walking. The pain is VERY manigible and at times more of a soreness to me. So why the surgery? Doctor insists if I take another tumble or another car wreck, I am a sitting duck for paraylisis. Sorry so long and thank you for your time.