Hello Draka!
I know just how you feel with little improvement after corrective surgery!
I have struggled and struggled ever since my fusion, and have tried everything I can think of to get a little relief from the pain. My wife and I have spent a ton of money on OTC supplements as well, hoping one of them might just be the ticket. At the moment the best thing I have found so far is the new puppy we just got from the Humane Society.
Really it does not help the actual pain, but it does help curb depression a bit I think. I don't have a miracle suggestion for you, but don't give up hope…keep searching and seeking help from your Dr's. Does your pain persist while your laying down? Mine lets up and I'm pretty comfortable, while on the med's, but boy!…when I stand up for any length of time, med's or not…it seems I'm right back in the same place I was before the surgery…if not worse.
I'm guessing there are other options for you…maybe different med's? I'm not sure what you had done to your neck, but it may be that you will always have some sort of pain from it. I know it is this way with many patients who have had back surgery. Maybe a SCS might be worth looking at?
Were sorry you are going through this tough time, and hope your Surgeon can find a better solution for you.
Now I would like to address the opinion you have, of the members and the moderators mentioned in your post. First, I see that you posted yesterday afternoon, and our forum seems to typically slow down starting on Fridays, and seems to continue through Monday morning. We see this clearly as we look back on weekend post.
Many of our members are hurting with great pain such as yourself and come seeking support, and it is difficult for them to support others while in that frame of mind….it's kind of a survival mode of sorts. This, plus weekends being slow, may make for what seems like... that members are avoiding you. I have felt this way many times, but later find that the error was really my thinking, and could not be farther from the truth.
We have many, many wonderful members here…so keep trying. I find that I personally get out of the forum what I put into it. Now!…I did look at your history of posting and went back quite a ways on the records….and I found many members very supportive of you. This includes several of our moderators. To be fair…I went through the very same thing as you..in that I too!...was also accused of playing more than one member. The attacks on me were brutal to say the least. However, I did not give up…and cheerfully supported where I could.
In time, all of those negative things that bothered me went away…and trust me!…it takes time. I feel that no matter what I may do…there will be those who... shall I say,... like to stir the negative pot a bit. Generally those people are not happy with themselves and also have a track record of doing the same thing elsewhere in their lives.
This forum is like you say... for support….and for some, the only means of connecting with others who are suffering. After all we are the only ones who really do understand, right? I always say, you get out of it what you put into it. Some come seeking help, and don't even Thank those who have taken the time to help them. Also this forum forum is ever changing…….members come and go as they please……..and we miss many of them greatly. As this cycle happens, we find that the forum may differ quite a bit from what it was,…say,…two years ago! Even the forum rules have been changed in the last couple of weeks…….we need to be
open to change.
Now…as far as the Moderators changing your signature…well…that is impossible, as we do not have that ability…and never have. That is only done by the Admin. If there is a rule on how many lines a signature can be….well that is again, set up by the Admin. Some members are quite willing to please and will go out of there way to abide by the rules….and trust me…it makes our jobs a lot easier and we appreciate it.
You are quite right that you can express your opinion, and we encourage that, however we would expect that it be done in a supportive and positive tone, and for that purpose. If you are unhappy with something going on here at the forum, ….you also have the ability to contact the Admin and or anyone of the moderators and discuss your displeasure with them. If it cannot be resolved, then you have every right to seek out a forum best suited for you.
Now, I don't recall seeing any of the post where you were accused of being someone else…and I'm sorry if you went through this…...if it happened a year or so ago…then I would suggest you leave it there. We are here to support as best we can…although it may come a little later than some may think it should. Moderators have their hands full, and we suffer as well….I have taken off the last 55 days or so because of it.
Draka, I'm positive that the current members here on this board will support you as well the moderators….but please keep in mind that moderators do not answer the call to all post, and will tell you most of us do read them all though.
I hope you can let go of some of the past hurts someone on this forum may have caused you,…and continue to enjoy the forum with us.
Also there is now a FB page set up just for CP members, and you are welcome to join it….I'm sure you will fine support and fun there. Give it a try! OK?
Take care,