You really need to clear the air with your Dr on this, and make sure both you and Him have a no frills understanding. I always ask for my script
a day or two before the script
is to be filled. You are going to fall on a weekend (Sunday) or a holiday that the pharmacy will be closed, so your Dr should be realistic here on this as well.
If your Pharmacy is playing games with you, then go to another one….. end of story! Having your Dr post date the script
may help as well…but Insurance should be the one that will refuse to fill before it is time to do so.
I had a small problem with one of the pharmacist whispering and in a way badgering me when ever i filled my Oxycontin….so I reported it to my Dr. He was aware of other complaints, and referred us to a more user friendly pharmacy. A lot of this has to do with the type of relationship you have with your Dr. If he is not willing to go to bat for you, and there is a trust issue, then it may be time to look elsewhere….however it is not always that easy to switch. Work on the Dr patient relationship first.
Get your records regardless, and show him the proof….if he can't understand that…then you have bad apples throughout the whole cart. Again, if I have a Dr unwilling to listen to reason….and is a control freak, and you cannot get so much as a question in….then I usually will be quite pointed….(not disrespectful)….and let them I'm not to be treated that way... period! I do have a rather good Dr…and believe me he is not a push over by any means, but at the same time…I have earned his respect….and done all that he has asked of me and more. Some of these things you can do on your own…such as bring in all your pain med's to your appointments….I do this every time….although he has never counted them.
I do a lot of research on med's and so forth…and the chronic condition that is causing my pain….and will chat with him about
it. He can see that I have done,... and am looking for everything possible to find pain relief….even to the point of Homeopathic remedies. My wife always goes with me, and can confirm what I share with him about
my quality of life….such as the fact that I'm in bed most all of my home hours. It is not something that happens over night….and you will have to be smart about
it….but a good relationship will go a long ways to take care of problems like you are experiencing with your pharmacy.
Good luck!