Hello all, I am pretty new here, and asked a question before, and I appreciate all the answers, but just wanted to let you in on my issues. First, I have diabetic neuropathy in both feet and ankles. The diabetes has been reversed, but the neuropathy is irreversible and my feet are in constant pain. Then, I have, in the lumbar, 2 bulging discs and 1 herniated disc. I have been through the steroid injections, epidural injections, facet point injections, and I forget the name of the procedure, but it is where they burn the nerve endings at the spine so they don't transmit the feeling of pain to the brain. That was my last procedure, and I am sick and tired of procedures. My doctor (thank God for him!) has me on Oxycodone 10/650 4 times a day, and Oxycodone 15mg and Morphing for breakthrough pain and more severe pain as needed. After reading some of the things in this forum, my next visit I will be talking to him about
something a little more controlled release rather than all of it being immediate release as I believe it will control my pain better. And it would be easier to take something twice a day rather than trying to remember it 4 times. I usually forget it, and end up in worse pain and have to take the stronger med to work it out. I gave up trying to walk through stores like Walmart, and just use their electric carts as the pain in my low back can just about
bring me to my knees after just a few minutes. I am pretty sedentary as I don't have much faith in my ability to do much without it being an excruciatingly painful experience.
I am happy to find this forum, and hope that I can learn many things about which I can discuss with my doctor. You have already all been more helpful than you know.