Hello,close friend has a disease that causes chronic pain.was taking methadone/oxycodone combo.This worked well.most of the time.only prob was the oxycod-30s many times felt like having some w/ drawl symptoms after 8-9 hrs of sleep.at other times the oxyco only lasted 2 or 3 hrs.and now caws of all the abuse and pill mills the doc were scared to write it.and others could find out the person was on that med.and hiss pill mill was just shut dwn.and some addicts may show up at the door,and bad things have happened already like this.so doc switches meds to opana reg and opana er.hard to find but both are now available in genn form.ins dident pay for the er but did for the reg 10mg made by roxx other had to be ordered.the 10mg poana genn.was not working like he thought it should until the ER came in he had to take 4 a day.pain was not in controol,bad week.the ER came in 15mg( atva) and the real oxymorphone hcl was 15 ER worked verry well can only figure that the 10 IR realy only had 1 or 2mg in it both were verified on the med.ID site only prob is that the one that ins pays for. not good quality the 10mg and the 15ER is so new as a geen.that Ins woudent pay for it so the co-pay was not $15 but 60 cost $264.00 outch,at least pai was under controol,and a lot of the side affects were gone.Verry pleased w/ the oxymorphone Hcl15s sent a mesage to do quality check on the 10s.has anyone else gone though this crap.but the generic opana and opana ER is here. the ER comes in 7.5 and 15mg the IR comes in 5mg and 10 mg C_S only ones willing to carry,and some wlgrns may carry good luck to anyone going threw the changes.I hope they get the 10 mg IR fixed GB GL