Hello All,
This is slightly off topic, but my family and I have been undergoing a MAJOR renovation of our home (with no advance notice). We had a MAJOR shower leak that was unknown to us and apparently it had been leaking for many, many years. It had caused massive mold and rot to an extent I could have never imagined. It's no wonder I get really sick when I stay in the Master bedroom.
Anyway, we have had to move three bedrooms, two bathrooms, six closets, the dressing room in the second bath, and will also be moving the den and having to buy an entirely new central heating and air system (to be installed in an overcrowded attic). I have decided I must be a hoarder . My motto is don't do it again!
Anyway, I now have no bathroom, no bedroom, no master closet...you get it. There are no floors, no walls or anything. Even the flooring in the entire living section of our has has to be replaced.
So to save money...I'm sure you understand...I have been doing a great deal of sorting and packing (with the help of a few friends) and my husband has been moving furniture after work. I have had to go through each and every drawer and closet and everything else you can imagine for the last several days. I can't sleep with my hubby well at all because of his snoring and my back pain! I hurt everywhere.
I've even had to remove three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and one long hall's worth of wallpaper border by myself. I am overwhelmed by everything and about to break! I could never have imagined this much damage from a hurricaine! It is unbelievable!
I'm also exhausted from waking at 1:00 to 2:30 AM everyday and then working all day. I just can't do anymore, but I don't have a choice. We even have to re-paint the whole house too because of the cracking in the walls. It will be way worse because they are going to have to jack up the beams in two load bearing walls...the main one in the center of the house and the one that runs through the master bedroom and my daughter's room.
All of this is causing me to flare to a level that is starting to freak me out. Of course having my whole family stay in the addition we added last year (which is really only made for one/two at the most) and having the whole house full of boxes and furniture is making all of us crazy too.
I just had to vent for a while....please, for those who pray, pray that insurance will cover more than initially determined (since it is not a drop in the bucket). I need some help on this one or I am going to be going under by fixing a problem that I inherrited. It's apparently been leaking for better than 30 years! I've only been living here 10 and had all the carpets replaced when I moved in.
Thanks for any kind thoughts or prayers. If you don't pray, please do not be offended that I asked. I do not wish to put my religious beliefs on anyone else.
Thanks for listening to my vent guys.
You mean a great deal to me and I need you right now.