Hi all, I missed the show, but Snow, you bring up a good subject, we, the people who truly suffer from cp need to show our faces and be heard, I have contacted the Dr. Phil show, and although I dont even particularly care for him, I have already written to every politician in my State, which is Maryland, I have heard back from many of them, but sadly they are generic responses, as in "sorry to hear you are having so much trouble, if we can help in any way, just write again". Well of course I have and will continue to until I get a response that lets me know if anyone of them really care, which is a shot in the dark.
But I am thinking, somewhere, someone, a relative of there's, a neighbor, etc. someone that they actually know is suffering from cp. Not that I wish this on anyone, but because they are politics, are very wary about putting themselves out there for all to see and hear. I am just praying one of them has the guts to step up and give us the help we need. Because they are in politics, I have no real hope of that happening, as they are focused on lying to the public in general and unwilling to come forward. That being said, I wont stop, I still have not gotten to the newspapers, as they are the media, and not so interested in something that is not sensational, but again, at some point I am going to probably going to have to, and of course mention this to the politicians that I have contacted. I have gone from local county council persons to the Governor of MD.
newspapers seem to make them respond a little more, but I dont want to make it sound like the threat that it is. I am tired of having to justify why I take the meds I take, one walk in any of our shoes would change that, but as I said I wish that on no one.
Sometimes we have to do what we have to do. By the way, I never mention HW, or anyone but myself by name, so please no one worry, I can begin this battle alone, but I know some of you will have my back if needed. We just cant live in fear anymore, its time it stops.
Take care all,