I was recently prescribed Opana 10 mg twice per day, and I have been very disappointed with it. First, and most importantly, there is no feeling of pain relief! So I got to thinking about
how I could have absolutely no pain relief after going from a few Norco per day to such a strong narcotic like Opana. Then it dawned on me: the extended-release medications are possibly not being absorbed due to a gastric bypass I had five years ago. If I don't absorb all my fat/calories/vitamins, I should've figured medicines would be the same
So I called the pharmacist. She agreed it could be related, but,of course, there are no controlled studies on a population of gastric bypass patients who take extended-release nartcotics.
Has anyone had a similar experience? The doctor offered me the patch if the Opana doesn't start working, but I'm super afraid of taking the patch this early in the game. I've had chonic pain for over 15 years but this is the first acutal pain doc I've been to see. And, btw, the only thing that does help with pain is Norco; however, they've prescribed for only twice day at this point and the Norco lasts maybe three hours at best. For example, I took the Opana at 9 p.m. tonight and a Norco shortly after. By 11 p.m., I was back to hurting pretty bad but managed to get to sleep. Now I'm back up at 3:00 a.m., in pain, need another Norco but can't take one because at that rate I'll run out. Ugh!!!!!!!!